The Barn is our Logo, our Brand and our Signature Building.
It is estimated that the center portion of the barn was built in the late 1800's with much of it being constructed with hand hewn timbers and wooden pegs know as "mortise and tenon joints". It is possible that some of the hand hewn timbers were brought in from an older structure and location.
If you look up to the peak of the barn, you will still see the iron rail system where a "hay fork" was used to lift hay into its loft.
On the north side of the barn in the Hosta Garden there is a 'hay fork" similar to what would have been used in the barn nearly 100 years ago.
The south lean-to of the barn was commonly called a "loafing shed" where animals were fed and sheltered. The original feed bunk/manger is still in place which adds to the authenticity of its time. It now serves as an activity area for all ages.
In 2019, we wanted to create an atmosphere in the barn where visitors could feel the history and enjoy conversations. The center of the barn is now furnished with tables and chairs and is a great spot to look East out over the farm. Depending on the time of the year you will see pumpkins, flowers, apple trees, corn/soybean/sorghum fields, people taking wagon rides, playing horse shoes / bag games and Jeeps coming back from their crawler course experience.
Between the center of the barn and the north lean-to a handsome live edge 20 foot red cedar bar top was built in allowing us to have a back bar garnished with many farm effects. I think you will agree that the entire look is something to remember and you will want to come back with old and new friends.
We call this area the Farmstead Saloon.

The Loading Chute is a old wooden structure that would have been used as a sorting pen on a typical farmstead when farmers had a livestock feeding and finishing operation. It is located on the west side of what would have been their feed lot and what we call today "The Barnyard". Occasionally we put animals this area so our visitors can meet and greet them and have a great photo op.