In 2008 we started to develop trails and lanes for horse and/or tractor pulled wagon rides. Our goal was to create an experience that connected Farm, Nature and History into one wagon ride. A wagon ride will be different every time. It could change from year to year, during the season and even on the same day.
We work hard to make this trip fun, interactive and a lasting memory. The wagon rides meander along scenic lanes (two miles) overlooking traditional and non-traditional crops i.e. corn, soybeans, alfalfa, sorghum, broom corn, sunflowers, animal food plots, pollinator plots, fruit trees, pastures, cattle, cut flowers, native timber and occasionally unexpected wild life.
There is always that "Hang On" moment when we go down the slope into a ravine called SHICK-SHACK HOLLOW. This trail is nearly a 1/2 mile long and was made through the middle of native timber.
During a wagon ride we make several stops to visit about Native Americans, local settlement history and the evolution of agriculture. One of the most enjoyable stops is called "The Field Of Dreams". Here the topics can be trivia from the 1989 movie staring Kevin Costner, listening to music on the wagon or just letting Cub and Cardinal fans talk about their team biases as they look in the baseball dug outs.
Field of Dreams is now one of our wedding venues and will also be set up for some historical reenactments starting in 2020.